
  • ・Please fill in the all required fields marked with asterisk.
  • ・Please do not use single-byte Katakana fonts.
  • ・We may contact you via phone depending on the content of your e-mail inquiry.
  • ・We will respond to your inquiry within 1 or 2 business days, but it may take us longer to respond depending on the content of your inquiry. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
  • ・Our business day is from Monday to Friday excluding Japanese national holidays.

Please note that sections marked with * must be filled in.

Full Name*
Your company name*
Business type*

If you chose "Other"

Contact method*
Email address*
Telephone number*
Title of your inquiry (50 characters)
If you wish to collaborate with MTG, choose the nature of your proposed collaboration from the following.
Content of your inquiry*

800 characters or less.

Have you ever contacted any of our employees?
Department of the employee you contacted
Name of the employee you contacted
Date of your contact
Reason for your contact

400 characters or less.

Privacy Policy

By clicking Continue, you confirm that you have read our Privacy Policy and agree to the Terms of Use.

Personal Information Privacy Policy

MTG Co., Ltd.
President Tsuyoshi Matsushita

Handling of Personal Information

We use personal information for the following purposes:

  • (1)To send products via postal mail based on personal information obtained during product orders.
  • (2)To inform you of various campaigns and new product information from our company, including group companies, via postal mail, telephone, email, and other methods.
  • (3)To contact you via postal mail, telephone, email, etc., in response to inquiries regarding inspections, repairs, replacements, or other services, or when confirmation is needed from our company.
  • (4)To conduct surveys for product development and customer satisfaction improvement measures.
  • (5)To issue warranty certificates, provide warranty services, or offer various membership services to customers who purchase our products.
  • (6)To contact and provide information to job applicants (including internships) and manage recruitment operations based on personal information obtained from individuals wishing to join our company.
  • (7)To manage employees by obtaining personal information at the time of their employment and as necessary.
  • (8)To delegate some necessary tasks to third parties for the provision of various services.
  • (9)To contact you via postal mail, telephone, email, etc., when obtaining your consent is necessary for using personal information beyond its original purpose.
  • (10)To statistically analyze customer usage of our website, customize services and advertisements, and improve the convenience and content of the website.
  • (11)To provide features in our apps related to our products and services.
  • (12)To provide various information and services to shareholders and investors.
  • (13)To create shareholder data and perform related tasks according to the standards prescribed by the Companies Act and other laws.

We use specific personal information for the following purposes:

(1)Tasks related to personal numbers obtained from employees (including dependents) at the time of employment and as necessary:

  • i. Tasks related to income tax withholding
  • ii. Preparation of forms such as the Declaration of Dependent Exemption (Change) and the Insurance Premium Deduction Declaration/Spouse Special Deduction Declaration for Salary Earners
  • iii. Preparation of statements related to retirement income
  • iv. Preparation of forms, notifications, and applications related to property accumulation housing savings and property accumulation pension savings
  • v. Tasks related to personal residence tax
  • vi. Tasks related to employment insurance
  • vii. Tasks related to health insurance and employees' pension insurance
  • viii. Notification tasks for Category III insured persons of the National Pension
  • ix. Preparation and provision of legal documents related to financial product transactions involving stockholding associations

(2)Tasks related to personal numbers obtained from individuals other than employees at the start of contracts or transactions and as necessary:

  • i. Preparation of payment records for compensation and fees
  • ii. Preparation of payment records for dividends, surplus distributions, and fund interest
  • iii. Preparation of payment records for real estate usage fees
  • iv. Preparation of payment records for the acquisition price of real estate, etc.

Handling of personal information on our website:

(1) Use of cookies and web beacons:

  • We use cookies and web beacons on our website for the following purposes:
  • i. To improve customer convenience, such as simplifying input
  • ii. To provide advertisements for information of interest to customers
  • iii. To analyze customer usage of our website and improve services
  • In addition, the acquired cookie information will be used within the scope of the purposes outlined in Section 1.
  • *1 Cookies are technologies that store information on a customer's computer terminal (mobile, tablet, other devices, etc.) to identify the customer's computer when visiting our website again, allowing for more convenient use and browsing. This information does not include specific personal identifiers such as addresses, names, birthdates, or phone numbers. Customers can refuse to accept cookies through their browser settings, which may result in restrictions on the use of certain web page services.
  • *2 Web beacons are technologies that use GIF files and scripts to understand the access status from customers' computers and collect statistical data on usage rates. When used in combination with cookies, more detailed statistical information can be obtained.

(2)Use of Google Analytics:

  • We use Google Analytics on our website for site improvement. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect, record, and analyze customers' visit information.
  • The methods of data collection and usage by Google are defined by the Google Analytics Terms of Service and Google's Privacy Policy.
  • For more details on Google Analytics, please refer to the following page:
  • (Google Analytics ™ is a trademark of Google Inc.)

(3)Recipients of cookie information:

Handling of personal information in our apps:

  • (1) Use of Bluetooth communication: We use location information when connecting our Bluetooth-enabled products with apps.
  • We will use location information when connecting our Bluetooth-equipped products and applications.
  • *When using Bluetooth communication on smartphones or tablets, location information is required.
  • *For convenience, location information may be obtained in the background.

For notifications, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties regarding personal information, personal data, specific personal information, and records of third-party provision, as well as complaints about the handling of personal information, please contact the following:

Contact for personal information and specific personal information
For inquiries about handling personal information in MTG ONLINE SHOP: MTG ONLINE SHOP Customer Consultation Desk
TEL: 0120-467-222

Inquiries about our handling of personal information when you inquire about how to use, inspections and malfunctions of, and/or repairs to our products
MTG Co., Ltd. Customer Service
TEL: 0120-315-332

For inquiries about handling personal information when using,
inspecting, or repairing our products:
TEL: 0120-315-332

For inquiries about handling personal information in recruitment:
MTG Human Resources Department Desk
TEL: 052-481-1198

For inquiries about handling personal information in SIXPAD CLUB:
SIXPAD CLUB Customer Consultation Desk
TEL: 0120-467-550

For inquiries about handling personal information in NEWPEACE:
NEWPEACE Customer Consultation Office
TEL: 0120-315-414

For inquiries about handling personal information in MEGLY:
MEGLY Customer Support
TEL: 0120-808-008

For inquiries about handling specific personal information:
MTG General Affairs and Labor Department Desk, Human Resources Headquarters
TEL: 052-481-1198

For other inquiries about handling personal information:
MTG Personal Information Protection Manager (Director of Information Systems Department, Information Systems Division)
TEL: 052-481-5001

Measures taken to ensure the safe management of personal information: To handle personal information appropriately, we have established rules and regulations based on the JIS Q 15001 standard and operate a personal information protection management system. We take safety management measures from four perspectives: organizational, human, physical, and technical, to ensure the proper handling of personal information.

Privacy Mark
MTG Co., Ltd. was granted the Privacy Mark certification in May 2016, as a business in which personal information is handled appropriately.

Effective Date: April 1, 2018
Last Revised: June 14, 2024

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